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Donovan's Travels - A Danimatian
A band of dogs. A city of cats. A stampede of poodles. An evil scientist.
An animated adventure of canine proportions.

[Schedule] [Give us your voice] [Web Production] [Contact]

We are still looking for volunteer voice talent. Most of our characters are strange in one way or another. If you can do anything bizarre, that is always a big plus. Good imitations of people are also a good thing. It's all unpaid, but you can show everyone you know the animation on the web and you'll get recognized in supermarkets, shopping malls and churches.

For consideration:
1) E-mail contact and let me know you are interested in being involved with Donovan.
2) Fill out an application here. Vedbok isn't Danimatian, but you should register here to prove to me that you are interested in keeping the Detroit scene thriving. No East/West coast dreams... Michigan has the only real East and West coasts you'll ever need.
3) Check this out, too.

Registering with vedbok's database will help Detroit filmmakers get in touch with area talent. Vedbok are great people, despite what you may have heard me say elsewhere.

You can download the script here, but you'll need to get a password from me to unlock the encryption. Never trust the Internet.


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