FAQ: | The
Long and Winding Road
Who said the funniest one-liners recently? | |
What's the latest Dan related news? | |
How Many Phish Shows has Dan been to? | |
Influences: Orson Welles Jason Roth Preston Sturges Carl Reiner Ray Skinner Robert Zemeckis Luc Besson Robert Rodruiguez Edgar Blair III Jean-Pierre Jeunet
annoyed my brother throughout elementary school. Near the end of my
elementary existence I tried playing the coronet in band. Low and behold that
didn't work out like the musical instructor had planned. However, I did figure
out how to shoot the 3rd valve slide across the room. They love it when you
do that, projectile brass.
Around this time, classmates and I were coming up with creative ways to sing
lyrics for songs.
The troublemakers in the class made a variation of "Feeling Groovy"
as such:
What did YOU do in middle school?
In 1987, I installed a 1200 baud modem (1.2k in terms of your 57.6k modem) I met freaky people over the computer who turned out to be my bestest friends. When I say over the computer, that doesn't mean over the InterNet. BEFORE the internet, you had to call house to house with your modem and a terminal program. I ran a Bulletin Board System (BBS) called Strawberry Fields, you could leave messages or files for people, like a digital cork-board. Unless multiple phone lines were involved, you couldn't chat with anyone besides the person on the remote computer.
Talking on the computer was more social back then. Most of the people you talked to were down the block in your neighborhood or cross-town attending your rival high school. We'd get together for monthly BBSing bowling parties and meet the faces of the text on your screen after school gets out. I know the sole reason I type at the rate I do is because I would keep the lights off in the basement while chatting online with the people calling into the Strawberry Fields BBS. With the lights off, my mother would think I was asleep in my room. For the early days I was getting online, I had a bedtime of 9:00 p.m.
multiple phone line systems became popular and the chat room was invented.
But if you were talking with someone from FAR away it meant that they weren't
in bike riding distance. MetroDetroit was all 313 area code at that point
in time, but I still made many toll phone calls, addicted to chatting with
people outside my area. With the help of my g33k friends, we invented message
distribution networks to ease the cost of talking with people far away. We
named them ShadowNet, Fl00gieNet, SpamNet and we went international once.
High school consisted of: I grew my hair out. Suddenly now I'm Dan With The Hair. I still did the BBSing thing, got involve with the visual arts when I joined TV10, dig some newspaper designing (I was DESIGN EDITOR), refined my ability at being a social butterfly (Mark calls me Table Slut when we're in a restaurant and I move around chatting.) We practically lived at Denny's in Farmington, Leaving to "looking" Mike Swelstad's car and my non-school, non Denny's hours consisted of many fun times with Mike Murphy, Julie Gandolfo, Brenda Meinzinger, Pat Murphy, Mark Samp, Darlene Bos, Julie Hermann, Gordon Pon, Mike Martin and Jason Parzuchowski.
see, from age 17 to 24 I drove a 1988 Sunbird. ![]() |
We call it the Focii. . |
fool on the web...
some photographs for your liking.
Tour 2003 Pics are Here
and Sean Ryan at Universal Images, July 2003.
We had drawn tattoos on our bodies with sharpie markers proclaiming our
love for Melissa Reeck.
Me in Grand Rapids,MI in April of 2001 (Photo by Marguerite Willemstyn)
Summer 1996, Ann Arbor, MI (photo by Katrina Ham)
1999 Grand Rapids Hillmount Apt. Birthplace of WarFaces. SHOW ME YOUR WARFACE!
![]() Here's Jeff Mandez givin' a sly look as we take care o' some business.
Rita and I again in 2001... (I think it was April 20th) ![]() I really miss this Superman shirt. The girl kissing me is Katrina, but it's NOT the Katrina that stole the Superman shirt. ![]() These are my two favorite Toddlers, Ryan on the left and Kaitlyn on the right. Ryan's all pimpin' on Kaitlyn in this photo. ![]() This
is my beautiful body.
body was almost destroyed at the fishbone
where I received this wonderful
shaped bruise in the mosh pit.
I know.
. ![]() This is REALLY old, like 1996 or so. It's hard to see, but the button I am wearing says: CLOWN: Plain Clothes Division
Below, I'm giving a Woo Up gang sign representing the Woo Gang from FHS/NFHS 1994/1995
Below I am trying to act afraid for Mike who told me to. Mike took this one of me the same night in December 2000. Mike told me to act like I was eating his foot. I don't know why, but here's the pic. Mike wanted me to pose so this is all I could think of. Me in Grand Rapids in April of 2001 My nephew and I in downtown Farmington, April of 2001 Want
You know it.
Click the years listed to learn about Dan's Pals, or choose from the list of my websites below.