Lennon |
Yeah, I was
a bit worried at first but now I realize how cool he is!
Sean has something to say and his voice carries what he
says into your heart immediately. The second best Lennon!
Recommended Songs:
Mystery Juice, Home
More Info:, hollywoodandvine
Sample Lyrics:
"Rapper with a 40 in
his hand. Can't stand when you talk about that other man."
Jean |
Wyclef's album was my first
hip-hop purchase since I bought DJ Jazzy Jeff & the
Fresh Prince "he's the DJ, I'm the rapper" Yes. That is
quite an accomplishment for Wyclef, he is very proud of
that fact. Chrissy just bought the single for Gone til November
a few days ago. I wish I could stop hearing that song!
Recommended Songs:
Anything Can Happen, Where Tha Fugees At?
More Info:
Sample Lyrics:
"Everytime I make a run, girl you turn around and cry."
Name Is Alive |
This sweet group was formed
in the city I was born in, Livonia. A mix of blues and techno,
they blend so sweetly the sounds that please the sou.
Recommended Songs:
Nothing Special
More Info: n/a
Sample Lyrics: "I
Wish they woud stop playing that same old song, it's driving
me crazy, won't they leave it alone?"
Ness |
is the lead singer from Social Distortion. The man definately
knows how to play music the way it should be. His new album
sports covers from not only Bob Dylan, but Hank Williams!
When is the last time somebody covered Hank?
Recommended Songs:
Anything off of Cheating
At Solitaire.
More Info: About
Sample Lyrics:
"The days of wine and roses were a long time ago."
Mokum |
Beautiful Lorie is the head
of this group. I love them all.
Recommended Songs:
I don't know the names, yo!
More Info: The
website I made!
Sample Lyrics:

Than Jake |
A blend of ska and hard core
that brings you to dance andthink.
Recommended Songs:
9th and Pine, Automatic
More Info:
Sample Lyrics: "Watched
some kid go down at 9th and Pine."
Semisonic |
Connie actually
saw them open for the Verve Pipe like, 2 years ago. Why did
she keep them a secret? I don't know, she's being mean to
us maybe.
Recommended Songs:
DND, Fascinating New Thing,
Get A Grip, El Matador
Info: Official
Site, FanPage
1, Fanpage
2, Fanpage
3, FanPage
Sample Lyrics: "I'd
like to, make your love my hideaway."
Ok, Mark and I just recently
got turned on to these guys. Really cool band.
The Wet Sprocket |
Toad was one
of the better bands from this era. I give Mark some
Karma for pointing them out to me all those years ago.

Recommended Songs:
Torn, Begin, Pray Your Gods
More Info: Sites:
Well you may
have seen Toad on Dave Letterman, but have your heard Dave
on Toad?
At least we know
they have good taste in British comedy.
Ok, click
here if you don't know How Toad The Wet Sprocket got their
name. (Shame!)
If you own Toad's Coil CD and
want to hear the special track you can only hear on your
computer, Click
Sample Lyrics:
"Bradley said it's haunthe house upon the hill.
If we met at 4 a.m., we would know for sure."
Dead Milkmen |
The Dead Milkmen gave us that
blend of punk and comedy to please the chaos in all of us.
Recommended Songs:
I Dream of Jesus, Stuart, Life
Is Shit, The Best Thanksgiving Ever>Bitchin' Camaro
More Info: Jumpin'
Jesus on a Pogo Stick!
Click this only if you know what the queers are doing to
the soil. The
Dead Milkmen.
Sample Lyrics:
"You know what Stuart? I like you, you're not like
the others, here in the Trailer Park"
"There I was face-to-face
with the Son of God was much shorter than I had imagined."
Stills, Nash & Young
without Neil Young they still kick some major ass. Lately
I've been digging on Crosby's solo stuff, as well.
Recommended Songs:
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, Marakesh Express, Woodstock
More Info: 
Sample Lyrics: n/a
Radiohead |
I should just
make an entire Radiohead web
site but you know what? It's been done, so I won't. Matt
got me into these guys. Another great Brit band.. WHEN WILL
IT END? They are so much better then Blur or Oasis it's
not even funny. Thom Yorke is an incredible lyricist.
Here is Thom Yorke of Radiohead looking at a photo of Mia
and Me on his computer. Pretty cool. Thanks Thom!
Recommended Songs:
The Bends, Killer Cars, Stop
Whispering, Let Down, Lucky, Dollars and Cents
More Info:
Sites: The
Official The
mailing list My
Iron Lung No
Alarms No
Data On
The Edge Planet
Telex PolyethylenePurest
Hell Radioactive
Sleep RadioceannRadiohead
Wasteland Thin
Sample Lyrics:
happier, more productive comfortable not drinking too much
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week) getting
on better with your associate employee contemporaries
at ease eating well (no more
microwave dinners and saturated fats) a patient better drivera
safer car (baby smiling in back seat sleeping well (no
more bad dreams)
no paranoia careful to all
animals (never washing spiders down the plughole)
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then) will frequently check
credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall) favors for favors
fond but not in love
charity sending orders on sundays
ring road supermarket (no killing
moths or putting boiling water on ants) car wash
(also on sundays) no longer afraid of the dark or midday
shadows nothing so ridiculously teenage or desperate nothing
so childish at a better pace slower and more calculated
no chance of escape now self-employed
concerned (but powerless)an
empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not
idealism)will not cry
in public less chance of illness tires that grip in the
wet (shot of baby strapped
in back seat) a good memory still cries at
a good film still kisses with salivano
longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick
that is driven into frozen
winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness) calm
fitter, happier and more productive like a pig in
a cage on antibiotics
Mortal Coil |
Wow. For a bunch of people
who talk like they are dead, they have released some really
cool stuff. There's people from Dead Can Dance, Cindytalk,
and more. They bump into each other at the record label,
jam it out and release it. Awesome.
Recommended Songs:
The Jeweller, Song of the Siren,
You and Your Sister
More Info: This
Mortal Coil
Sample Lyrics: n/a
Phish |
I would go anywhere to see
Phish. Anytime, anywa, anyhow.
Recommended Songs:
Weigh, Dirt, From The Bottom,
Icculus, The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday
More Info: The

It's always
a good idea to see what these guys are up to.
Thank you
Mr. Minor!
See Phish
if you haven't. It's so much fun. Dance in the hallway.
See them sober. See them not. See them. Just see them.
Watch Fishman PLAY A VACUUM! |
Sample Lyrics:
"If you ever think of me, kneel down and kiss the Earth."
- Dirt
"Woke this morning to a stinging lash.
Every man rises from the ash.
Each betrayal begins with trust.
Every man returns to dust." - Farmhouse
Tool |
You gotta like Tool. I think
I'm the only one that likes Undertow better then the new
one. Ok, well AEnima is growing on me. I went to the Tool
show with some buds and the worst thing about it was the
heat. The show was amazing.
Recommended Songs:
Forty-Six and Two
More Info: The
Truth about Elv
Sample Lyrics:
"Learn To Swim"
Airplane |
Airplane came into the world
like a bat out of hell. Freeform musical jams and technical
experimental music are just what you're looking for when
submerged in a psychedelic plastic fantastic groove mood.
logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead...
Sloppy Dead? What does
it mean? Who knows.. it doesn't matter..
Recommended Songs:
Plastic Fantastic Lover, Embryonic Journey, Won't You Try/Saturday
Afternoon, White Rabbit.
More Info:
Jack and Jorma in the Hall
of Fame, 2400
Sample Lyrics:
"Halfway down is a step where i sit and think about
you and me" - The Ballad of You, Me, and Poineil
Grateful Dead |
there be songs to fill the air.
If you never got the chance to
see them, boy, you missed out. Go ahead. Try to pretend Phish
is as cool but you know what? Yeah,
you do.
But I'll tell you anyways...
(they will never
be as great as the Grateful Dead!)
The closest the world will
see to another Dead show. Besides FurtherFest of course!
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Sweet |
Matthew is the white king
of pop. No question.
Recommended Songs:
GIRLFRIEND....This album defines
my existence some days.
More Info:
Matthew Sweet is so incredible that you have to appreciate
him. He's a one man band when he chooses to be. More!
Sample Lyrics: "I
need someone to pull the trigger..."
Floyd |
Pink Floyd never ceases to
amaze me. It seems every album I listen to I appreciate
them even more
Recommended Songs:
Album The Final Cut
More Info: It
all started with Wish You Were Here (for me,) I loved it
and I was hooked from then on. Sonically bombarding you
with aural stimuli you will love time and time again. Pink
Floyd just rules.
Sample Lyrics:
Wheel |
A Modern Day Pink Floyd
you haven't bought Adam and Eve by
Wheel, just do it okay?
it's really good.
another Brit band. They just got a new label in Europe so
they will actually be PROMOTED there. It was weird meeting
Brits that haven't heard of them.
"BUT THEY'RE REALLY GOOD!" I guess they don't get airplay
over there.
Recommended Songs:
Ma Solituda, Phantom of the
American Mother, Crank, Black Metallic, Show Me Mary
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Whigs / Twilight Singers |
Samp brought the Afghan Whigs into my life. When we saw them
in Detroit, The lead singer, Greg, stopped the show, called
over a security guard... pointed to a girl in the crowd and
said: "
me HER... with the tongue. I want her backstage."
Recommended Songs:
More Info:,
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
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Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
Recommended Songs:
More Info: Description
Sample Lyrics: Description
The Beatles |

Oh yeah. I can't forget about them!
Stu, John, Paul, Pete, George
& Ringo. Whoever the line-up you just feel like a-dancing.
Until the late 60s when you feel like dropping. Ok. Grab
your favorite Beatles song, read this
and listen to it again in a whole new way!
Recommended Songs:
Golden Slumbers>Carry That Weight>The End
While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Come Together, Tomorrow Never
Knows, Rocky Raccoon, Dear Prudence, Help!, You've Got To
Hide Your Love Away
Paul's solo music reached it's pinnacle with his
jaunt into the classical music scene is known as Standing
John's best work alone was Plastic
Ono Band. This has the heartfilled track "Mother" and
"My Mummy's Dead." It also has the track "Isolation" All
very very good.
Ringo solo is best experienced live.
George was the first to grace us with a solo album.
All Things Must
More Info:
Beatles Links

Sample Lyrics:
"Open up your mind, relax and float downstream. It is not
(Tomorrow Never Knows)